
call me superstitious, but..


9 Responses to “call me superstitious, but..”

  1. 1 gkhiangte
    March 11, 2009 at 3:50 am

    yeah, it is totally normal, we all feel like this some days.
    but it is a good thing that it’s 777, cos it’s “pathian number” lol
    triple? my god, ur very observant i must say!
    i didnt notice when my visits were 666 or 777, cos now its more than 2000..
    not bragging!
    do u keep track of all the no of visits?
    just kidding
    but i enjoy ur blog..
    anonymous pune guy!

  2. 2 NotGood
    March 12, 2009 at 2:10 am

    The number of comments and visits are usually the first thing I look for when I open my site.. I guess thats because I’m just barely 4 months old to blogging.. 😛 Anyways, the next time I post this would probably be when the counter hits 1000, and next at 2009.. hehe..
    BTW, I’m glad you enjoy my blog, uptil know, I usually think once but now thats definitely gonna make me think twice about what I post now.. hehe

  3. 3 ruolngulworld
    March 12, 2009 at 8:07 am

    Et tu? Though I rarely get comments because I rarely update my blog and also maybe my blogs are not that interesting. But that doesn’t stop me from looking (hoping?) for comments every time I visit my blog. In fact, I hardly visit my blog/site itself – I usually go to the ‘wordpress’ site and straight to my ‘dashboard’ which indicates any new comments and number of visitors, if any. I also posted a similar blog on reaching a sort of milestone and if I knew how, I’d be giving a link to that blog which I simply titled ‘911’.
    I’ve also discovered the secret to getting more visitors to my blog – get listed on ‘Sandman’s Zo Bloggers Latests’ on misual.com. My visitors graph immediately shoots up the few times my blog’s been featured there. Now there’s a guy who’d be worth getting to know a little better ;} Mr. Sandman, (‘bring me a dream’) the drinks are on me, if we ever meet. His own blog, BTW, is the best Mizo blog I’ve seen so far and am a regular visitor. Ahem, will somebody please tell him I said so? 🙂

  4. 4 NotGood
    March 12, 2009 at 2:20 pm

    I do that too.. 🙂 The dashboard does show all the recent comments from any post, and makes it simpler than to check the number of comments on each post, right? Although, I love opening and viewing my site from a 3rd person’s viewpoint. I just browse through the front page mentally comparing it with other blogs, wondering if I should make any change.. or not !
    “..will somebody please tell him I said so?.. ”
    Hehe.. If you’ve typed it, chances are he’s already seen it. I guess Sandman is the most active blogger ever, cos’ If I come across any new previously unknown mizo blog on the internet, the sandman would always beat me in posting a comment first.. His blog is indeed very informative and does make a good read..

  5. March 12, 2009 at 3:09 pm

    lolzzzzz @ Pu ruolngulworld! 😀 NOW THATS TOO MUCH! I just try to link all the good Mizo blogs I come across and it does take a lot of my time but is definitely worth it. I want as many people as possible to go out there and blog their asses out (not literally of course!). And the only way to do that is to let bloggers get to know each other and become comfortable in what they write (and how they communicate with each other).

    Many times I dont have time to comment on so many good blogs I come across due to heavy office work, but I still read all their blog posts. I subscribe to every Mizo blog feed I am able to dig out, so the next time you make a new post and you think nobody read it, do know that I have read them within a few minutes after you have posted it 😀

  6. 6 NotGood
    March 13, 2009 at 4:25 pm

    @Kima: A noble cause indeed.. The mizo blogging community has got a lot of talent, material and potential and browsing through their blogs is a great way to spend online-time.. In poetry and in prose, I guess we are not too far behind the nation, if not the world.. I’m glad there are people like you who try to promote that, we just want to be heard and that is possible if we get a wider base of people who go through our blogs.. I’ve joined the Indiblogger community as well, and its a great way to get more readers.. Now, all I need to do is take some time-out to browse through theirs.. BTW, great to know now that at least one person is going read the stuff I write in the future.. 🙂

  7. 7 chhamanator
    March 14, 2009 at 6:26 pm

    Dude, thats cool. And your blog is seriously getting traffic considering the fact that you haven’t been blogging for that long. Keep on keepin’ on, brother.

  8. 8 NotGood
    March 17, 2009 at 3:02 am

    @ Chham: Thanks man, but I think my blog is not getting as much traffic as I had expected it would, considering the quality and penmanship portrayed on its posts, and of course, not forgetting that I haven’t been blogging for that long. I had half-decided to abandon all hope, at first I was afraid, I was petrified, but then I spent so many nights thinkin’ how I did it wrong, and I grew strong.. and I knew it all along, I will survive…
    Seriously tho’, you do know that you got me started on this blog thing right? I asked myself, hey, if he can get away with that boringly over-used cliche for a name and still get massive visits on his blog, why not? 😀

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